Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kerremans, C. 1885. Enumeration des Buprestides decrits posterieurement au Catalogue de M. Gemminger & de Harold. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique (Comptes-rendus) 29: 119-157

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora ajax (Saunders, 1872) Generic Combination Pseudotaenia ajax (Saunders, 1872) 124
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora quadrisignata (Saunders, 1872) Generic Combination Austrophorella quadrisignata (Saunders, 1872) 127
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora salamandra (Thomson, 1879) Generic Combination Pseudotaenia salamandra (Thomson, 1879) 127
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora superba (Saunders, 1872) Generic Combination Pseudotaenia superba (Saunders, 1872) 127
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora telamon (Fairmaire, 1877) Generic Combination Pseudotaenia ajax (Saunders, 1872) 127
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora vittata (Waterhouse, 1881) Generic Combination Pseudotaenia salamandra (Thomson, 1879) 128
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophorotaenia laeta (Waterhouse, 1881) Valid Name Chalcophorotaenia laeta (Waterhouse, 1881) Introduction 126
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Diphucrania albertisii (Gestro, 1877) Valid Name Diphucrania albertisii (Gestro, 1877) Introduction 150
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Paracephala Saunders, 1868 Valid Name Paracephala Saunders, 1868 Introduction 152
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Paracephala murina Thomson, 1878 Valid Name Paracephala murina Thomson, 1878 Introduction 152
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Paracephala pistacina (Hope, 1846) Valid Name Paracephala pistacina (Hope, 1846) Introduction 152
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Sambus Deyrolle, 1865 Valid Name Sambus Deyrolle, 1865 Introduction 151

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