Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Mąkol, J. & Wohltmann, A. 2013. Corrections and additions to the checklist of terrestrial Parasitengona (Actinotrichida: Prostigmata) of the world, excluding Trombiculidae and Walchiidae. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 63: 15–27

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CALYPTOSTOMATIDAE Calyptostoma latiseta Shiba, 1976 Valid Name Calyptostoma latiseta Shiba, 1976 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ERYTHRAEIDAE Caeculisoma argus Vitzthum, 1926 Valid Name Caeculisoma argus Vitzthum, 1926 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ERYTHRAEIDAE Caeculisoma io Southcott, 1961 Valid Name Caeculisoma io Southcott, 1961 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MICROTROMBIDIIDAE Cygnothrombium cygnus (Womersley, 1936) Valid Name Cygnothrombium cygnus (Womersley, 1936) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MICROTROMBIDIIDAE Foliotrombidium ornatum Womersley, 1945 Valid Name Foliotrombidium ornatum Womersley, 1945 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MICROTROMBIDIIDAE Microgoodenoughia kohlsi (Womersley, 1945) Valid Name Microgoodenoughia kohlsi (Womersley, 1945) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MICROTROMBIDIIDAE Workandella virgata Southcott, 1994 Valid Name Workandella virgata Southcott, 1994 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NEOTROMBIDIIDAE Neotrombidium gracilare Womersley, 1963 Valid Name Neotrombidium gracilare Womersley, 1963 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NEOTROMBIDIIDAE Neotrombidium gracilipes Womersley, 1963 Valid Name Neotrombidium gracilipes Womersley, 1963 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBIDIIDAE Ronaldothrombium bellator (Southcott, 1986) Valid Name Ronaldothrombium bellator (Southcott, 1986) Introduction

Showing references 1 to 10 on page 1 of 1.