Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Doğan, S. 2008. A catalogue of cryptognathid mites (Acari: Prostigmata, Cryptognathidae) with the descriptions of a new species of Foveognathus Luxton and a newly discovered male of F. amygdalus Doğan and Ayyildiz from Turkey. Journal of Natural History 42: 1665–1686

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Cryptognathus australiensis Hirst, 1926 Valid Name Cryptognathus australiensis Hirst, 1926 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Cryptognathus eurytopus Luxton, 1973 Valid Name Cryptognathus eurytopus Luxton, 1973 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Cryptognathus lateropunctatus Luxton, 1973 Valid Name Cryptognathus lateropunctatus Luxton, 1973 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Cryptognathus tenuis Luxton, 1973 Valid Name Cryptognathus tenuis Luxton, 1973 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Cryptognathus woodi Luxton, 1973 Valid Name Cryptognathus woodi Luxton, 1973 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Favognathus denticulatus (Luxton, 1973) Valid Name Favognathus denticulatus (Luxton, 1973) Introduction
ARTHROPODA CRYPTOGNATHIDAE Favognathus magnus (Luxton, 1973) Valid Name Favognathus magnus (Luxton, 1973) Introduction

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