Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Deitz, L.L. 1979. Two new species of Colobopyga (Homoptera: Halimococcidae) from the Australian region. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 453-457

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA HALIMOCOCCIDAE Colobopyga Brèthes, 1912 Valid Name Colobopyga Brèthes, 1912 Introduction 453
ARTHROPODA HALIMOCOCCIDAE Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Valid Name Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA HALIMOCOCCIDAE Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Valid Name Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Custom: SYSTEMATICS
ARTHROPODA HALIMOCOCCIDAE Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Valid Name Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Custom: STRUCTURE
ARTHROPODA HALIMOCOCCIDAE Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 synonym Colobopyga australiensis Deitz, 1979 Primary 454
ARTHROPODA HALIMOCOCCIDAE Colobopyga kewensis (Newstead, 1901) Valid Name Colobopyga kewensis (Newstead, 1901) Introduction 453

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