Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hickman, V.V. 1967. Some Common Spiders of Tasmania. Hobart : Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery 112 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ARANEIDAE Phonognatha melania (L. Koch, 1871) Valid Name Phonognatha melania (L. Koch, 1871) Introduction 56 figs 99-102
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Dingosa simsoni (Simon, 1898) Valid Name Dingosa simsoni (Simon, 1898) Introduction 80 figs 142, 143, pl 13 fig 3
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa simsoni Simon, 1898 Generic Combination Dingosa simsoni (Simon, 1898) 80 figs 142, 143, pl 13 fig 3
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Apricia jovialis (L. Koch, 1879) Valid Name Apricia jovialis (L. Koch, 1879) Introduction 87, figs 153, 154
ARTHROPODA SPARASSIDAE Olios diana (L. Koch, 1875) Generic Combination Neosparassus diana (L. Koch, 1875)
ARTHROPODA SPARASSIDAE Olios patellatus (Karsch, 1878) Generic Combination Neosparassus patellatus (Karsch, 1878)
ARTHROPODA PYCNOTHELIDAE Stanwellia annulipes (C.L. Koch, 1842) Valid Name Stanwellia annulipes (C.L. Koch, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA DYSDERIDAE Dysdera crocota C.L. Koch, 1839 Valid Name Dysdera crocota C.L. Koch, 1839 Introduction
ARTHROPODA DYSDERIDAE Dysdera crocota C.L. Koch, 1839 Valid Name Dysdera crocota C.L. Koch, 1839 Synonymy references 39
ARTHROPODA GRADUNGULIDAE Hickmania troglodytes (Higgins & Petterd, 1884) Valid Name Hickmania troglodytes (Higgins & Petterd, 1884) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MIMETIDAE Australomimetus audax (Hickman, 1929) Valid Name Australomimetus audax (Hickman, 1929) Distributions 50
ARTHROPODA MIMETIDAE Australomimetus audax (Hickman, 1929) Valid Name Australomimetus audax (Hickman, 1929) Introduction 50-52 figs 87-89 pl. 9 fig. 1
ARTHROPODA STIPHIDIIDAE Stiphidium facetum Simon, 1902 Generic Combination Stiphidion facetum Simon, 1902 36 figs 56-58, pl VI, 3-4

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