Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Baker, A.N. 1980. Euryalinid Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from Australia, New Zealand, and the south-west Pacific Ocean. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 11-83 figs 1-33

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ECHINODERMATA GORGONOCEPHALIDAE Gorgonocephalus dolichodactylus Döderlein, 1911 Valid Name Gorgonocephalus dolichodactylus Döderlein, 1911 Introduction 52-54, fig. 18a, 20, 30
ECHINODERMATA GORGONOCEPHALIDAE Gorgonocephalus pustulatum (H.L. Clark, 1916) Valid Name Gorgonocephalus pustulatum (H.L. Clark, 1916) Synonymy references 54-56, fig. 18b, 20, 30
ECHINODERMATA GORGONOCEPHALIDAE Gorgonocephalus sundanus Döderlein, 1927 Valid Name Gorgonocephalus sundanus Döderlein, 1927 Introduction 56, fig. 18c, 21, 30

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