Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Simon, E. 1901. Histoire naturelle des Araignées. Paris : Encyclopédie Rorét Vol. 2(3) pp. 381-668 figs 384-792.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Abracadabrella elegans (L. Koch, 1879) Valid Name Abracadabrella elegans (L. Koch, 1879) Introduction 602, 608
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Arasia Simon, 1901 synonym Arasia Simon, 1901 Primary 432, 438
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Arasia mollicoma (L. Koch, 1880) Generic Combination Arasia mollicoma (L. Koch, 1880) 432, 438, fig. 483
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Astia L. Koch, 1879 Valid Name Astia L. Koch, 1879 Introduction 438
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Astia hariola L. Koch, 1879 Type Species subsequent designation Astia L. Koch, 1879 431, 438
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Bavia Simon, 1877 Valid Name Bavia Simon, 1877 Introduction 460
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Bavia valida (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Bavia valida (Keyserling, 1882) 462
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Bianor concolor (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Bianor concolor (Keyserling, 1882) 638
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Bianor maculatus (Keyserling, 1883) Generic Combination Bianor maculatus (Keyserling, 1883) 638
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Chalcolecta prensitans (Thorell, 1881) Valid Name Chalcolecta prensitans (Thorell, 1881) Introduction 479
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Chrysilla pilosa (Karsch, 1878) Generic Combination Chrysilla pilosa (Karsch, 1878) 601
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Clynotis Simon, 1901 synonym Clynotis Simon, 1901 Primary 611
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Clynotis semiater (L. Koch, 1879) Generic Combination Pungalina semiatra (L. Koch, 1879) 611
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Clynotis viduus (L. Koch, 1879) Generic Combination Clynotis severus (L. Koch, 1879) 600, 612
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cocala Simon, 1901 synonym Cocalus Koch, 1846 Primary 408
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Copocrossa Simon, 1901 synonym Copocrossa Simon, 1901 Primary 475
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis Simon, 1901 Valid Name Cosmophasis Simon, 1901 Synonymy references 543
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis Simon, 1901 synonym Cosmophasis Simon, 1901 Primary 553
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis bitaeniata (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Cosmophasis bitaeniata (Keyserling, 1882) 549
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis micans (L. Koch, 1880) Generic Combination Cosmophasis micans (L. Koch, 1880) 543, 549
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis modesta (L. Koch, 1880) Generic Combination Cosmophasis modesta (L. Koch, 1880) 543, 549
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis obscura (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Cosmophasis obscura (Keyserling, 1882) 553
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis rubra (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Cosmophasis bitaeniata (Keyserling, 1882) 553
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis splendens Simon, 1901 synonym Cosmophasis thalassina (C.L. Koch, 1846) Primary 549
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cosmophasis thalassinus (C.L. Koch, 1846) Generic Combination Cosmophasis thalassina (C.L. Koch, 1846) 548
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Cyrba Simon, 1876 Valid Name Cyrba Simon, 1876 Synonymy references 387, 429, 447, 449
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Drepanophora Simon, 1901 synonym Maratus Karsch, 1878 Primary 567
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Habrocestum nigristernum Dalmas, 1920 Species Excluded Misidentifications Habrocestum Simon, 1876 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Habrocestum nigristernum Dalmas, 1920 Species Excluded Misidentifications Habrocestum Simon, 1876 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Helpis Simon, 1901 synonym Helpis Simon, 1901 Primary 432, 436-438
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Holoplatys complanata (L. Koch, 1879) Valid Name Holoplatys complanata (L. Koch, 1879) Introduction 602
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Holoplatys liturata (L. Koch, 1879) Valid Name Holoplatys liturata (L. Koch, 1879) Introduction 602
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Jotus auripes L. Koch, 1881 Type Species subsequent designation Jotus L. Koch, 1881 566
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Maratus volans (O.P.-Cambridge, 1874) Valid Name Maratus volans (O.P.-Cambridge, 1874) Introduction 559, 563, figs 677-679
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Margaromma Keyserling, 1882 Valid Name Margaromma Keyserling, 1882 Synonymy references 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Margaromma nitida (Thorell, 1899) Species Excluded Misidentifications Margaromma Keyserling, 1882 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Margaromma nitida (Thorell, 1899) Species Excluded Misidentifications Margaromma Keyserling, 1882 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Margaromma obscurum (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Margaromma obscurum (Keyserling, 1882) 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Margaromma semirasum (Keyserling, 1882) Generic Combination Margaromma semirasum (Keyserling, 1882) 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Menemerus Simon, 1868 Valid Name Menemerus Simon, 1868 Synonymy references 654
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Modunda Simon, 1901 synonym Bianor Peckham & Peckham, 1886 Primary 614, 629
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Muziris Simon, 1901 synonym Muziris Simon, 1901 Primary 599, 603, 611
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Myrmarachne MacLeay, 1839 Valid Name Myrmarachne MacLeay, 1839 Synonymy references 504
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Myrmarachne cognata (L. Koch, 1879) Generic Combination Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch, 1879) 503, 525
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Myrmarachne erythrocephala (L. Koch, 1879) Generic Combination Myrmarachne erythrocephala (L. Koch, 1879) 503, 525
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch, 1879) Generic Combination Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch, 1879) 503, 525
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Napoca Simon, 1901 synonym Bianor Peckham & Peckham, 1886 Primary 642
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Ocrisiona Simon, 1901 synonym Ocrisiona Simon, 1901 Primary 595, 602, 604, 608
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Ocrisiona elegans (L. Koch, 1879) Generic Combination Abracadabrella elegans (L. Koch, 1879) 602, 608
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Paraplatoides tenerrimus (L. Koch, 1879) Valid Name Paraplatoides tenerrimus (L. Koch, 1879) Introduction 475

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